Saturday, July 26, 2008

My Blog Award

I was so flattered to receive a blog award. The following people were kind enough to think of me and nominate me for this award:

There are some easy rules that go with the award and here they are:

1. Post the logo on your blog.

2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.

3. Nominate 7 other worthy bloggers.

4. Add links to their blogs on yours.

5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

It was really difficult trying to figure out who to nominate for this award because there are truly so many talented artists out here. In no particular order, here are my nominations:

Thanks for reading,


@TiffanyRom said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH! WE are so flattered to receive this award!

Ginny said...

Oh wow, what a wonderful surprise. I have never been given an award before, this really means a lot to me!

Kim said...

Thanks Loreen you are so wonderful! Lots of hugs to you!