I absolutely love Modge Podge and I try my best to keep it out of sight in an effort to quell my burning desire to break it out and alter really just about anything. Well tonight, I could not stop myself. I was happily coloring my bellas - really I was just minding my business. Any
way, I went over to my scrap area to grab some primsacolors and out of the corner of my eye, I saw this little wooden gift bag that I bought last year. I could NOT resist. Before I knew it, I had the paint out and the Modge Podge. I was in such a moment of inspiration that I almost forgot to ink the edges of my Bella!! Well, needless to say, I now have a cute little contraption to keep my copics in. It does not hold all of my copics, but I am willing to accept that. I hope you all enjoy my little goody bag.
Hugs, Loreen
Very cute - how creative!
AHHHH!! Love it!! Dosn't it make you thrilled that you thought of this great idea!! I alwsays get excited when i have an great idea! And you had a great idea!! Just love it!!
wauw, love it.
Great idee it looks great!
Greetings Simone
Neat idea...I have lots of storage things but sadly only 2 copic pens !!
Janetteabella x
Really Cute!! Way to use your creativity!!
That is so adoreable.. I just bought some ModgePodge so look out world! LOL
What a great project! Love it! Gives me an idea about what to do with some tins I have around the house! Great job!
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